"EARTH mobilization in L.O.V.E. with the Sustainies" introduces the story of
SustainaClaus and the adventures of the World Sustainability Coop in ConscienceLAND - a radically positive, borderless romp, bringing together people, places and solutions to create, share and maintain a fun, SDG-friendly world.
Since we are 1/3rd the way to 2030 and in these past 5 years the 195 signatories to the Sept 25th 2015 agreement have almost completely failed to act on solving the SDG’s….
To the rescue come the Sustainies - the L.O.V.E. Bots WOW, TIP, PIN, Wednesday the Low Carbon (lifestyle) Panda, Roger the Reality Rooster, Drone the Decentralized Dragonfly, Busy the Networking Bee, CarpeDiem the Lowsumption Snail, Dogood the Benevolent Dragon and all their human allies cooperating to solve the 17 Goals.
Now, halfway through 2020, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has informed SustainaClaus, the Sustainies and everyone around the world that we have until Christmas to change our direction.
Clearly, humanity and the natural world can’t continue to wait for the "business as usual” cast of characters to solve anything - we need everyone to individually and collectively find their way to be part of the Extinction Solution.
The EARTH Mobilization is urgent and imperative and it’s confirmed there never, ever was a sustainable “normal” to go back to.
It’s now up to you and me to #DoSomethingSDG and take an active role in the #SDGchallenge.
In ConscienceLAND we learn to live a Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability (LOHHAS) in the spirit of L.O.V.E. (Lifestyle Of Voluntary Effort) and to share Caring Currency, Validate People Places and Products and solve the 17+1 Global Goals.
The funny three fingers guide the thread of the ConscienceLAND story, uniting the simple meme of “3” with the complex reality and relationships of the world. The easy-to-recognize greeting of the “Peace Plus One” Sustainability Symbol wishes your friends, neighbours and strangers:
…a Society, Environment, Economy in Balance,
…where every Wednesday we Smile ~Change ~ Unplug
…. ultimately representing our conscience, our honour, our commitment and our Individual Social Responsibility (ISR).
The evolving ConscienceLAND sustainability story is growing globally through the community-building tools of all the #SustCoop partners, Citizens' Assemblies, ISR, Change Wednesday, LOHHAS Validation, Be,Buy,Boost, Caring Currency, the Gaia Catalog, Plot Stewardship, Universal Social Credit, Benefit and Universal Basic Income and much more fun, all within the planetary boundaries and just “economic donut” of ConscienceLAND.
The Swiss-founded World Sustainability Cooperative distribution ecosystem (#SustCoop) is member-owned and decentralized, encouraging fearless collaboration and local action promoting a world of cultural sharing, empathy, kindness and commitment on a foundation of cooperation basic to our human needs and condition.
ConscienceLAND is a story of hope and opportunity. Todays courageous youth are looking for meaningful engagement and direction. SustainaClaus and the Sustainies invite everyone to put aside differences and TAKE POSITIVE ACTION, going above and beyond politics, to solve the 17+1 Global Goals and secure the beauty and primacy of our sustainable communities.